Live Probiotics Vs. Spore Forming Probiotics
You may not know it, but probiotics come in different forms, with each individual strain offering an alternate function.
The two most common types of probiotics you’ll likely come across are live or living probiotics and spore-forming probiotics. Each of these good bacteria operates in different ways, so deciding which probiotic is best for you might seem like a puzzling choice, but it doesn’t need to be.
In this blog post, we’ve covered everything you need to know between these two types of probiotics. Find out more below!
What Are Live Probiotics?
Let’s kick things off with the basics - what are live probiotics? Live probiotics are ‘living’ microorganisms that can offer benefits to the consumer when they are ingested in appropriate amounts. As the name suggests, the probiotic is alive with a relatively sensitive nature. Accordingly, they must be kept in an appropriate environment to ensure survival (which makes probiotic drinks an ideal carrier… more on this later). Some of the most common live probiotic species are lactobacillus and bifidobacterium.
Spore-forming probiotics on the other hand, when compared to live probiotics are quite physically different. Unlike their live counterparts, spore-forming probiotics are soil-based bacteria that are created from spores (as the name suggests). They are typically found in dirt and vegetation, and typically stem from the species, bacillus.
The Benefits Of Live Probiotics
At this point, you might be wondering - ‘what are the differences of choosing live probiotics over spore-forming probiotics?’ Don’t worry, we’ve listed some of these below.
One of the most obvious advantages of living probiotics is the amount of associated research surrounding this probiotic form. Live probiotic strains have been extensively studied, including their potential benefits, recommended dosages, and frequency of consumption.
Compared to living probiotics, spore-forming microorganisms are relatively new on the scene. There's still more work to be done in understanding their impact and how they interact in the gastrointestinal tract.
Another core benefit of living probiotics is that they have a more tangible CFU count. Ambient or room-temperature probiotics don’t create the conditions that bacteria need to thrive. So, spore-forming probiotics most likely don’t have the same amount of CFU as living probiotics in drinks.
It’s also much easier to count living microorganisms, and simpler to understand how many are actually being consumed. So, when it comes down to choosing a living probiotic supplement or drink, you can rest easy knowing that the CFU count on the packaging is a true reflection of what you’re consuming.
When it comes to colonising the gut, living probiotics such as lactobacillus casei or bifidobacterium may potentially have an advantage over spore-forming probiotics.
Spore-forming probiotics are good for withstanding the effects of the stomach’s acidic environment and colonising the gut. That being said, this type of probiotic can bring about side-effects. Especially for those with a compromised immunity, introducing foreign bacteria to a poorly balanced microbiome may do more harm than good.
Living probiotics, such as lactobacillus casei or bifidobacterium are some of the most widely used, trusted, and researched strains available. These strains have a reputation for balancing the microbiome and benefiting general health with little to no adverse effects.
The Pitfalls Of Live Probiotics
Though live probiotics have an extensive range of benefits over spore-forming probiotics, they do have their pitfalls.
For example, living probiotics aren’t as resistant to the effects of stomach acid as probiotics protected with a micro-shield. Without this layer of protection, many living probiotics won’t survive the acidic environment of the stomach - which means that consumers aren’t able to reach the full benefits that these microorganisms can offer.
That being said, this issue is fixed when choosing a living probiotic with a micro-shield and target release feature. The micro-shield provides a protective vessel for the probiotics to safely transport them through stomach acid. Once the bacteria reaches the small intestine, the shield swells and dissolves to release the probiotics so they can work to their best potential.
Probiotic Drinks By PERKII
If you’d like to experience the full benefits that living probiotics can offer, we’d suggest getting your hands on a Perkii probiotic drink.
Our probiotic drinks are packed with billions of living microorganisms, with signature micro-shield and target release features - making them 10,000x times more likely to survive the stomach acid than non-micro shielded probiotics.
There’s also a delicious range of fruity flavours for you to choose from, all of which are low in sugar. Before you know it, you’ll be looking forward to taking your daily probiotic!
Head to the online store now to shop the Perkii range.