How To Keep Your Gut Healthy As You Age
Heading into those golden years demands a closer look at many aspects of your health and wellbeing - and gut health is no exception. So, as the years roll on, it’s worth taking the time to understand how to keep your gut healthy becomes absolutely crucial.
In this blog post, we’ve dived into the key steps for supporting a healthy gut as you age. Find out more below.
Why Is Gut Health Important In Senior Years?
Maintaining good gut health is all about boosting your immune system, improving nutrient absorption, and supporting energy levels. Though, as the years add up, the efficiency of our digestive system tends to change.
For example, the production of digestive enzymes slows down, which makes food breakdown less effective. Nutrient absorption also tends to become sluggish, and your bowel movements may become somewhat unpredictable.
It's during these golden years that paying attention to gut health becomes even more important for maintaining a positive and meaningful quality of life.
How To Keep Your Gut Healthy As You Age
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the nitty gritty. Below, we’ve listed 6 ways you can support your gut health as you get older.
1. Fibre, Fibre, Fibre
When it comes to supporting your gut health, you simply can’t underestimate fibre-rich foods - including vibrant fruits, leafy vegetables, and hearty whole grains.
Fibre is a powerhouse for your gut - offering a nudge to your digestive system and preventing discomforts like bloating or constipation. A fibre-rich diet will also encourage a thriving environment for good gut bacteria, which contributes to a healthy microbiome.
2. Stay Hydrated
Hydration is another priority for good gut health - helping to break down food and absorb nutrients.
To keep things flowing smoothly, sip on water throughout the day, and your gut will thank you by maintaining its vibrant, bubbly self. As a rough guide, aim for approximately eight glasses of water daily.
3. Enjoy Probiotics
Probiotics are great for introducing some friendly bacteria to your gut.
These live organisms promote a healthy supply of good bacteria, ensuring a balanced microbiome - ready to tackle any digestive issues.
These gut-friendly allies can be found in foods such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi.
4. Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise isn’t only great for your heart but also stimulates your digestive system.
Whether you’re getting physically active with a quiet walk, yoga, swimming, gardening, or anything in between - moving the body everyday is a surefire way to promote optimal gut health.
5. Be Mindful Of Medications
As vital as medication is for health and wellbeing, some medications will throw your gut off balance - which might be contributing to any gastrointestinal discomforts such as constipation or diarrhoea.
If you believe your medications are causing digestive issues, it might be worthwhile to have a chat with your healthcare provider and see if they can offer any advice tailored to your health.
6. Consume Prebiotic Foods
Don't forget the importance of prebiotics in supporting your gut health.
Prebiotics and probiotics tend to go hand in hand. Prebiotics work by feeding the good bacteria in your gut, helping them to populate and balance the microbiome.
Enjoy the benefits of prebiotics by adding foods like garlic, bananas, and asparagus to your diet.
Probiotic Shots By PERKii Probiotics
Are you on the look-out for ways to support your gut health during those senior years? We’d suggest checking out PERKii Probiotic Shots.
They provide a delightful and convenient way to enhance your daily probiotic consumption. With 8 billion targeted-release probiotics, these shots encourage a balanced gut microbiome - protecting your digestive health year-round.
These shots are also low in sugar and are a noteworthy source of Vitamin C - which is essential for sustaining a robust immune system. Head to the online store to shop now.
*The information in this article should be considered as advice only. Before using probiotics or implementing any of the information above, speak with a healthcare professional.