How Do Probiotics Survive Stomach Acid?

Let's dive into a topic that might sound a bit technical, though it's very important when it comes to maintaining a happy gut – stomach acid and probiotic survival. 

We're going to unravel the mysteries of stomach acid and how it impacts the effectiveness of your probiotics. Plus, we’ve got some tips on choosing the right supplements to ensure optimal gut health. Let’s dive in. 

What Does Stomach Acid Do? 

First things first, let's talk about stomach acid. It’s a powerful concoction your stomach churns out to help break down food and kill off any potentially harmful bacteria. It might sound intense, but it plays a pivotal role in our digestive system. 

It has a pH ranging from 1.5 to 3.5, making it highly acidic. But, this acidic environment serves as a crucial line of defence against pathogens - helping to protect your body from infections. 

How Do Probiotics Survive Stomach Acid? 

At this point, you might be wondering - what does stomach acid have to do with probiotics?

Here's the deal – probiotics are live bacteria that provide many health benefits. However, before these beneficial microbes can work their magic in your gut, they have to survive the harsh journey through your stomach. This is where it gets tricky. 

Stomach acid doesn’t discriminate against bacteria. In fact, it’s a formidable foe for probiotics. Its acidic nature will destroy fragile bacteria, making them ineffective by the time they reach your intestines. 

So if you’re using probiotic supplements but aren’t seeing any benefits - it could be because they're not making it past your stomach's acid barrier.

How To Choose An Effective Probiotic Supplement

So, how do you ensure that your probiotics can withstand the harsh environment of your stomach acid? It’s all about selecting the right probiotic supplements that are specifically designed for survival in acidic conditions. Here’s a few tips to point you in the right direction. 

  • Look for Certain Strains: Not all probiotic strains are created equal when it comes to surviving stomach acid. Look for strains that have been clinically tested and proven to survive passage through the acidic environment of the stomach and reach the intestines alive. 
  • Target Release Probiotics: One of the best things you can do to ensure a probiotic’s survival through stomach acid is to find a probiotic with a target-release feature. Recent studies have shown that micro-shield Lactobacillus Casei probiotics have a survival rate of 10,000x or more when subjected to acidic environments. Once they’ve reached the intestines, the change in pH causes the micro-shield to swell - which will release the probiotics and make them work much more effectively. 
  • Multi-Strain: Probiotic supplements that contain a variety of strains tend to be more effective, as different strains may have varying degrees of acid resistance. With a diverse mix of probiotic strains, there’s an increased likelihood that some will survive the journey through the stomach. 
  • CFU Count: When it comes to choosing a probiotic - paying attention to the colony-forming unit (CFU) count listed on the probiotic supplement label is a must-do. Higher CFU counts can increase the likelihood of probiotic survival and efficacy, as more bacteria are available to withstand stomach acid and populate the gut.
  • Opt For Quality & Reputation: Be sure to choose probiotic supplements from reputable brands that are known for their quality and commitment to research. 

Perkii Probiotic Smoothies

Before we wrap things up, let's talk about Perkii Probiotic Smoothies. Made with real fruit and bottled with billions of Targeted Release Probiotics, these smoothies are a delicious, lactose-free way to support your gut health. 

They contain no added sugar, are lactose-free, and boast probiotics 10,000 times stronger than regular probiotics, ensuring that the goodness gets through to your gut for maximum benefits. 

With no artificial flavours or colours, Perkii Probiotic Smoothies offer a convenient and tasty way to support your gut health for a difference you can feel.

*The information in this article should be considered as advice only. Before using probiotics or implementing any of the information above, speak with your healthcare professional.

July 03, 2024